The DCM Veterinary Surgical Services provides veterinary assistance to more than 500 surgical research cases per year involving laparoscopic, orthopedic, transplant, ophthalmologic, cardiologic, neurosurgical, plastic and general surgical procedures. Services include animal preparation, anesthesia and post-operative care, sample collection, injectable and oral treatments, tissue collection and general observations and care of non-rodent species. The 2500 sq.ft. facility includes 5 operating rooms, instrument prep and storage, surgeon prep areas, animal prep room and post-operative recovery space. The facility is staffed from 7:00 am – 5:00 pm M-F and four veterinary technicians are available for assistance. Veterinary technical assistance can also be arranged for non-surgical procedures and care during these times.
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Washington University in St. Louis SoM DCM Veterinary Surgical Services
St. Louis, MO, 63110
United States