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VitroVivo Biotech

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Year Established:
Rockville, MD, US
Company Type:
New Startup (0-1M TTM Revenue)

VitroVivo Biotech is a company engaged in the development and commercialization of the innovation histological products and services. The company was founded by a group of biomedical scientists in 2012 and is located in Rockville life science center of the I-270 corridor of Montgomery County, Maryland.

The mission of our company is to use our expertise in histology and molecular histopathology to help the scientists from biomedical research institutions and biotechnological enterprises or pharmaceutical companies to accelerate their discovery. VitroVivo is committed to its mission to “make tissues, cells, genes and molecules visible”

Equipped with state-of-the-art technology and devices, we at VitroVivo are able to provide full-scale histology and molecular histopathology services, including tissue processing, embedding, sectioning, histochemical staining, immunostaininng, FISH/ISH and expert evaluation by our certified pathologists. Besides, our laser capture microdissection (LCM) services offer our customers an opportunity to enjoy more power, precision and effectiveness in isolating specific cells from a heterogeneous cell population under microscopic visualization for gene expression analysis and other biomedical study purposes. Our service team includes leading international experts on LCM, board-certified pathologists and molecular histopathology experts.

VitroVivo Biotech has eight product lines for histology staining kits, molecular histopathology kits and reagents available for purchase. The product distribution covers not only the US but also Europe and Asia-Pacific regions.

Major clients and customers VitroVivo has proudly fulfilled orders for include many labs of the National Institute of Health (NIH), prominent research institutions, universities, biotechnological companies and pharmaceutical companies.

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VitroVivo Biotech
405 E Gude Dr Rockville, MD, 20850 United States

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