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VisMederi srl

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Year Established:
Monteriggioni , Siena, IT
Company Type:
Mid-Sized Business (10-100M TTM Revenue)

Established in 2009 from the founders’ past experiences in bioanalytical testing for influenza vaccines and their network of contacts accumulated over time within the Molecular Epidemiology Laboratory of the University of Siena, the company currently receives orders worldwide in the field of vaccines, where it conducts analytical testing of biological samples and validation of bioanalytical methods for the pharmaceutical industry. VisMederi possesses laboratories and research facilities necessary to completely cover all procedures required for the development of phase II, III, and IV of clinical trials and avails of the synergy it has with laboratories and research facilities and international research centers for the development of pre-clinical protocols and phase I studies. Since its conception, it has invested much of its resources in the optimization of laboratory assays for the evaluation of immune responses. Recently, it has specialized in cell immune response testing and the development of specific methods aimed at efficacy studies. In addition, VisMederi has developed expertise in the design and evaluation of animal models

In 2013 the company developed a new line of research aimed at quality control analysis for food, water and various types of environment. VisMederi operates in this area of research with the sponsorship of public institutions, corporations and private individuals and avails of the collaboration with qualified companies for the development of its own research.

VisMederi laboratories are located in Siena inside the Toscana Life Sciences Foundation (TLS) incubator building (active link at where it has been since March 2010.

VisMederi headquarter is located in Via Franco Ferrini 53, Loc. Tognazza – San Martino – 53035 Monteriggioni – Siena, Italy

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VisMederi S.r.l.
Strada del Petriccio e Belriguardo n.35 SIena , Siena, 53100 Italy
VisMederi S.r.l.
Via Franco Ferrini n.53 Monteriggioni , Siena, 53035 Italy
Registered Office VisMederi S.r.l.
Strada del Petriccio e Belriguardo n.35 SIena , Siena, 53100 Italy
VisMederi S.r.l.
Via Franco Ferrini n.53 Monteriggioni , Siena, 53035 Italy

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