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Virginia Commonwealth University da Vinci Center

Richmond, VA, US
Company Type:
Academic Core Facility

A collaboration of VCU’s Schools of the Arts, Business, Engineering and College of Humanities and Sciences, the VCU da Vinci Center is a unique collegiate model that advances innovation and entrepreneurship through cross-disciplinary collaboration.

The academic and other program offerings of the da Vinci Center aim to create T-shaped individuals: individuals who are anchored in a discipline and have the capacity and openness to span across disciplines.

Students participating in the da Vinci Center view innovation and entrepreneurship from multiple disciplinary perspectives, and thus, are prepared for the 21st Century workforce by more robustly approaching the innovation/entrepreneurship endeavor.

Site Badges
Virginia Commonwealth University da Vinci Center
807 South Cathedral Place Richmond, VA, 23220 United States
Virginia Commonwealth University da Vinci Center
807 S. Cathedral Place Richmond, VA, 23284 United States

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