High resolution, high quality Bio Imaging is increasingly important in frontline life science research. For this reason, VIB created in 2012 a multi-site core facility for state-of-the-art microscopy equipped with over € 10 M of high-end equipment and 17 expert staff members.
The VIB Bioimaging Core has specialist instrumentation for both light and electron microscopy and are developing Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy (CLEM) approaches to answer complex biological questions. The cores have a diverse instrument base providing the most suitable instrumentation for any imaging need.
The VIB Bioimaging Core is a dual site facility with platforms in Ghent and Leuven and serves both academic and industrial life sciences community. The Ghent platform uses high resolution light and electron microscopy to look into cells and tissues in three dimensions. The Gent platform is embedded in the VIB-UGent Center for Inflammation Research. The Leuven platform travels in time and studies ‘very fast’ dynamic processes in single cells. The Leuven platform is embedded in the VIB-KU Leuven Center for Brain & Disease Research.
The Electron Microscopy Platform in Leuven is associated to the VIB Bioimaging Core. The TEM activities of the Ghent platform are part of the UGent TEM Expertise Center.
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VIB BioImaging Core Ghent
Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 71
Zwijnaarde, , 9052
Rijvisschestraat 120
Zwijnaarde, , 9052