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USDA ARS - Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center

Company Type:
Small Business (1-10M TTM Revenue)

The mission of the Beltsville Human Nutrition Center (BHNRC) is to define, through research, the role of foods and its components in optimizing human health and reducing the risk of nutritionally related disorders. Scientists at the Center approach this mission by conducting research to understand how the needs for dietary components are influenced by genetic, physiological state, social/behavioral dynamics, and environmental factors. The research is aimed at understanding the relationship between eating decisions coupled with insults (excess calories, viruses, bacteria, and environment pollutants) on the quality of life and overall health as a function of age, gender and ethnicity for U.S. citizens. The Center consists of six (6)laboratories. In addition to federal employees, over 60 additional scientists and support staff funded by cooperating agreements with multiple institutions, organizations and federal programs are involved in ongoing research projects.

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USDA ARS - Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center
Beltsville, MD, United States

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