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US FDA OoFVM OoR Center for Veterinary Medicine

HFV-1 Rockville , MD, US
Company Type:
Academic Core Facility

The mission statement for FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) reads: “Protecting Human and Animal Health.” To achieve this broad mission, CVM:
Makes sure an animal drug is safe and effective before approving it. The center approves animal drugs for companion (pet) animals, such as dogs, cats, and horses; and for food-producing animals, such as cattle, pigs, and chickens. If the drug is for a food-producing animal, before approving it, the center also makes sure that food products made from treated animals—meat, milk, and eggs—are safe for people to eat;
Monitors the safety and effectiveness of animal drugs on the market;
Makes sure food for animals—which includes animal feed, pet food, and pet treats—is safe, made under sanitary conditions, and properly labeled;
Makes sure a food additive for use in food for animals is safe and effective before approving it;
Conducts research that helps FDA ensure the safety of animal drugs, food for animals, and food products made from animals; and
Helps make more animal drugs legally available for minor species, such as fish, hamsters, and parrots; and for minor (infrequent and limited) uses in a major species, such as cattle, turkeys, and dogs.

Site Badges
US FDA OoFVM OoR Center for Veterinary Medicine
7519 Standish Place HFV-1 Rockville , MD, 20855 United States

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