The Facility provides mass spectrometry service in support of analyte identification/verification, structural elucidation, and quantitation of individual compounds and complex mixtures for the University of Missouri and outside users. In addition to service work, we are available for collaborative projects and are conducting research in the fields of gas phase ion chemistry and surface chemistry.
Work in the Mass Spectrometry Facility centers around our Thermo LCQ Deca XP ion trap. This instrument is equipped with electrospray (ESI) and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) sources which can operate in positive and negative ion modes. Samples can be introduced by direct infusion or following separation using high performance liquid chromatography. Both qualitative and quantitative analyses are available by using full scan, single ion or selected reaction monitoring. A variety of tandem mass spectrometry experiments can be performed with ions produced by ESI or APCI methods.
In cooperation with the MU Proteomics Center, other mass spec services may be available, including MALDI-TOF and TOF-TOF analyses.
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University of Missouri DoC Mass Spectrometry Facility
4780 Discovery Drive
Columbia, MO, 65201
United States
University of Missouri DoC Mass Spectrometry Facility
125 Chemistry Building,
Columbia, MO, 65211