The Elmer O. Schlemper X-ray Diffraction Center has facilities for powder diffraction and for single crystal studies of small molecule samples. Powder diffraction data is collected on a Scintag X2 diffractometer with a Peltier-cooled energy sensitive detector. The small molecule single crystal instruments are a Bruker SMART CCD system, upgraded to an Apex II detector, with Mo radiation, and a Bruker Prospector diffractometer with Apex II detector and Cu microfocus tube. Both are served by Oxford Cryostream crystal cooling devices.
For macromolecular X-Ray Diffraction, the Center has a Rigaku RU/H3R rotating anode generator with R-Axis IV++ image plate detector, Osmic confocal optical system, and X-stream low temperature device. The facility has a PhD-level staff scientist to assisted users.
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University of Missouri DoC Elmer O. Schlemper X-ray Diffraction Center
4780 Discovery Drive
Columbia, MO, 65201
United States
University of Missouri DoC Elmer O. Schlemper X-ray Diffraction Center
125 Chemistry Building,
Columbia, MO, 65211
United States