The Cytometry core provides a variety of tools and expertise for cellular measurements. The laboratory incorporates numerous flow cytometers, from simple entry-level devices to high-end 5-laser, 16-parameter instruments to analyze or sort cells. In addition, the laboratory offers a laser scanning confocal microscope. The microscope is well equipped with a variety of excitation lines from near UV to red and can collect 3 to 4 emission colors (depending on dye combinations), with viable cell time lapse and extensive computed parameter capabilities, including FRET, FRAP, image stitching, and 3D reconstruction.
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University of Florida ICBR Cytometry Core
2033 Mowry Road
Gainesville, FL, 32610
United States
University of Florida ICBR Cytometry Core
2033 Mowry Road
Gainesville, FL, 32610
United States