Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
Year Established:
1939 |
uncuyo.edu.ar |
Mendoza, Province of Mendoza, AR |
Company Type:
Academic Core Facility |
The foundation of the National University of Cuyo was completed on March 21 in 1939. Since its creation, it has focused its activity towards clarifying the major human problems, with special reference to national and regional life.
The National University of Cuyo, located in Mendoza, Argentina has formulated its purposes in the Statute stating that it is essential to develop and disseminate culture in all its forms through teaching, scientific research, technical preparation , Professional training and raising the ethical and aesthetic level.
Its foundation was concreted on March 21 in 1939 through Decree No. 26,971 of the National Executive Branch; While on August 16 of the same year the courses officially began with the inaugural conference of Ricardo Rojas.
Since its creation, it has oriented its activity towards the clarification of the great human problems, with special reference to national and regional life.
It was created to offer educational services in the region of Cuyo, which includes the provinces of Mendoza, San Juan and San Luis.
At the beginning, it brought together some existing educational centers under its administration and created new ones, which after a few years had a university hierarchy and recognized academic prestige.
In 1973, when the National Universities of San Luis and San Juan were created on the basis of the Faculties and Schools that had their headquarters in the mentioned provinces, UNCuyo concentrated its work in the educational centers with headquarters in Mendoza, in addition to the Institute Balseiro, which operates in the city of Bariloche, Río Negro province.
The UNCuyo is made up of 12 (twelve) faculties, all with headquarters in Mendoza. They offer undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate degrees.
It also has 3 (three) Institutes. The Balseiro Institute, which is located in Bariloche; Offers masters degrees and degrees in Physics, Nuclear Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Telecommunications.
The University Technological Institute (ITU) counts on 6 (sies) Offices distributed in the provincial territory and dictates technicaturas of superior level and professional professionalization races of company personnel.
And, the Institute of Public Safety, based in Mendoza, gives a degree in Security and special courses, to address the problem.
Site | Badges | |
Universidad Nacional de Cuyo Av. Champagnat 5000 Mendoza, Province of Mendoza, CP M5502JMA Argentina |
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