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Year Established:
Oegstgeest, , NL
Company Type:
Small Business (1-10M TTM Revenue)

Toxys is a Dutch biotech company that provides innovative in vitro toxicity screening solutions to rapidly identify hazardous and potential carcinogenic properties of novel compounds during the early phases of product and drug development.

Toxys exclusively offers the ToxTracker assay, our state-of-the-art stem cell-based reporter assay that provides mechanistic insights into the genotoxic properties of pharmaceutical compounds and chemicals. ToxTracker can contribute to a mechanism-based, animal-free, cancer hazard and risk assessment of chemicals.

ToxTracker can be particularly useful in an Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) approach for both genotoxic and non-genotoxic carcinogens by revealing genotoxic modes of action and a number of non-genotoxic modes of action, such as oxidative stress and protein damage.

We often combine our unique ToxTracker assay with a range of extended protocols and additional assays to unravel the underlying mechanism of genotoxicity and predict the outcomes in the regulatory in vitro and in vivo genotoxicity assays. Toxys also offers ToxTracker ACE (Aneugen Clastogen Evaluation) being an extended version of ToxTracker assay and includes direct discrimination between an aneugenic and a clastogenic mode-of-action of genotoxic compounds.

Based on our (scientific) expertise Toxys has developed ReproTracker. ReproTracker® is a state-of-the-art in vitro assay to visualise the key events during early embryonic development that allows for a reliable assessment of developmental toxicity hazards of new drugs and chemicals. ReproTracker® is a human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC)-based assay that assesses key events during stem cell differentiation. The assay is able to identify compounds that interfere with early embryonic development.

In 2020 TubulinTracker was launched. TubulinTracker is a novel in vitro assay using GFP-tagged Tubulin, that allows the direct visualisation of the microtubules using either live cell microscopy to follow the dynamics during the cell cycle or flow cytometry. The assay can be applied to study the effects of compounds on microtubule stability as well as assess the effect on the cell cycle progression and induction of aneuploidy. TubulinTracker can discriminate between Tubulin stabilising and Tubulin destabilising substances and provides more insight into the cause of aneuploidy upon exposure.

In 2021 we licensed in technology that formed the basis of ToxProfiler, an assay for mechanistic toxicity testing. ToxProfiler is a unique New Approach Method (NAM) that can be applied to accurately quantify the cellular stress responses induced by chemicals. The assay can be applied to reveal the toxicological mode-of-action (MoA) of novel medicines, (agro)chemicals, cosmetics and food ingredients. ToxProfiler consists of 7 genetically engineered HepG2 cell lines. Each cell line contains a specific fluorescent reporter that is associated with a specific cellular stress response pathway. All fluorescent reporters are expressed at physiological levels and reflect the endogenous cellular stress responses. Automated live-cell confocal microscopy and image segmentation pipelines are applied to generate a toxicological fingerprint for each compound representing the cellular stress responses that are activated upon exposure. ToxProfiler is particularly applicable for early chemical safety testing by providing insight into the toxic MoA of compounds, as well as read-across, adverse outcome pathway (AOP) and weight-of-evidence (WoE) approaches.

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Toxys main office
De Limes 7 Oegstgeest, 2342 DH Netherlands

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