The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute is the oldest research institute in Australia and is celebrating its centenary in 2015.
Our affiliation with The Royal Melbourne Hospital links research outcomes with clinical practice to accelerate discoveries for health and disease. We offer postgraduate training as the Department of Medical Biology of The University of Melbourne.
Scientists undertake research in a range of areas, preventing and treating diseases including breast, ovarian and blood cancers, type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, coeliac disease and malaria.
More than 60 clinical trials based on discoveries made at the institute are underway. These include trials of vaccines for type 1 diabetes, coeliac disease and malaria, and trials of a new class of anti-cancer agents for treating patients with leukaemia.
Mastery of disease through discovery.
To be an innovative medical research institute that engages and enriches society and improves health outcomes through discovery, translation and education.
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The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
1 Royal Parade
Parkville, VIC, 3052