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The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research - Boas Center Biorepository

The Boas Center Biorepository (BCB) at The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research is a facility that process, stores, and distributes human biological specimens for use in medical research. Through the integration of bioinformatics and with the aid of the North Shore Informatics Group (NSIG), The BCB is able to efficiently process and manage large sample sets. Investigators that decide to utilize this facility will have the benefit of obtaining larger datasets which will aid in producing statistically significant data.

Investigators who wish to research certain diseases can create a research project and negotiate with the BCB on what services will be needed to best suit the project. The BCB currently processes and manages samples for over twenty different research projects. All subjects that choose to participate in a study are de-identified and assigned an alpha-numeric or numeric identifier (subject ID). The Biorepository will only accept International Review Board (IRB) approved protocols from an investigator or a group of investigators.

The BCB currently offers DNA isolation, plasma isolation, Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell (PBMC) isolation, serum isolation, urine collection, sample storage, various human tissue collection, and sample distribution services. All samples that are collected and processed are uniquely bar-coded and link back to a subject ID. All sample data and sample inventory is entered into a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) and stored in a database. The LIMS system was created by and is managed by the NISIG.

The BCB is currently managing and storing approximately five hundred thousand samples. All of our samples are stored in different freezers and refrigerators within the Feinstein Institute for Medical Research. All of the freezers and refrigerators are monitored by a state of the art temperature monitoring system which will notify the Biorepository staff if there is a potential problem. All sample locations are tracked via an inventory management system which tracks all sample movements and distributions.

The BCB is constantly improving by adding new services and by staying on the cutting edge of technology. Sometime in the near future the Biorepository hopes to have sample distribution requests, sample inventory tracking, and freezer temperature data available to investigators via the web. Over the next five years the Biorepository is looking to expand on its current storage capacity and the number of research protocols being managed here.

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The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research - Boas Center Biorepository
350 Community Drive Manhasset, NY, 11030 United States

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