TA Evans LLC comprises TAE Testing Lab and Trefor Evans Consulting. With over 20 years of applied experience we are proud to provide comprehensive support to the hair care industry. We specialize in instrumental and in vitro testing services, our clients range from multi-national corporations to entrepreneurial startups.
Founder, Dr. Trefor Evans, has worked in the hair and personal care industry for over 20 years as a manager in the product development labs of major consumer goods companies and as a director of measurement services before establishing TA Evans LLC in 2012. He possesses a Ph.D. in Physical-Analytical Chemistry specializing in the use of measurement science to support a wide range of functions within the personal care industry. He holds seven patents in the area of hair care and has published numerous articles in the scientific literature and trade magazines as well as co-authoring and co-editing “Practical Modern Hair Science” by Allured Books.
TAE is actively engaged in the hair industry research community and participates in a broad selection of conferences, technical symposia and trade shows. Our intent is to advance the science and enable the development of superior products.
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TA Evans LLC
159 Samoset Street
Plymouth, MA, 02360
United States