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Southern Illinois University Genomics & Robotics Services

Carbondale , IL, US
Company Type:
Academic Core Facility

Provides robotic services attuned to high-throughput marker assisted selection, BAC and cDNA library construction and arraying, physical map generation, micro-array analysis, GMO content testing, genotyping, and genetic identity testing. The facility has a Genomic solution GS2 for colony picking, 384 well plate assembly, cherry-picking, high clone density nylon filter generation, and micro-array generation; a GeneTAC for array analysis; an ABI6700 and Qia-extractor for high-throughput DNA and RNA extractions; and a Biomek2000 and two Hydras for liquid handling, reaction assembly, and automated agarose electrophoresis. Real-time PCR available.

Site Badges
Southern Illinois University Genomics & Robotics Services
Carbondale, IL, United States
Southern Illinois University Genomics & Robotics Services
Carbondale , IL, 62901 United States

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