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Southern Illinois University DNA Sequencing & Allele ANalysis Facility

Carbondale, Il, US
Company Type:
Academic Core Facility

Provides two-day DNA sequencing services and same-day user center support for plasmid, PCR, and BAC DNA. Short courses to teach the sequencing techniques are held regularly. The facility has PE377 gel sequencers as well as ABI3700 and CEQ8000 capillary sequencers. Sequences are derived from DNA or colonies in tubes or plates. Provides fragment size analysis with fluorescent labeled probes for microsatellites and other genetic markers. High-resolution melt and real-time PCR available. Visible or UV light excited fluors used.

Site Badges
Southern Illinois University DNA Sequencing & Allele ANalysis Facility
Carbondale, IL, United States
Southern Illinois University DNA Sequencing & Allele ANalysis Facility
Carbondale, Il, 62901 United States

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