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Seattle Children's Hospital Research Institute - Center for Clinical and Translational Research

Company Type:
Small Business (1-10M TTM Revenue)

Our Vision
We will be the bridge to advance laboratory discoveries from the institute toward new and innovative treatments that will potentially prevent and cure childhood illnesses and improve the quality of children’s daily lives. We will advance the science of clinical research by focusing on new methods to conduct better research in children and mentor new clinical scientists to become tomorrow’s leaders.

Our Science
Clinical and translational research are essential steps in the development of treatments that transform the health of children. The Center for Clinical and Translational Research (CCTR) is home to more than 400 research faculty and staff members from over 30 subdivisions and is the hub for clinical investigation and therapeutic development at Seattle Children’s Research Institute.

The center plays an integral role locally, nationally and internationally in turning scientific discoveries into improved treatments for children. Building on a history of ground-breaking achievements, CCTR investigators and staff are working together to develop next generation therapies for a wide range of pediatric diseases and disorders.

Site Badges
Seattle Children's Hospital Research Institute - Center for Clinical and Translational Research
Seattle, WA, 98121 United States

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