Sea6 Energy is developing enabling technologies to grow and convert seaplants into biofuel, plant growth stimulants, and other bio-renewable products.
There is an urgent need to replace fossil fuels and its derivatives with an environmentally friendly and sustainable alternative. Today, converting photosynthetic biomass (plants, grasses, algae, etc) into fuels is our most viable option for creating a sustainable drop-in replacement to liquid crude oil.
Deciding which feedstock to grow is not simply a matter of which crop can be converted to fuel. The real problem is in growing huge quantities of biomass as nearly all feedstocks use the same limited resources (arable land, fresh water and fertilizer) which go into agriculture. This already has and would lead to further problems in our food supply. These are conflicts that are best avoided.
Sea6 Energy believes that seaplants circumvent exactly this problem as they offer an unmatched potential for scalability. Growing seaplants on a large scale captures and recycles carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and all the useful nutrients that have washed into the sea. The fact that seaplants grow in the ocean means it does not utilize scarce resources like land and freshwater for biomass production. In addition, there is no requirement for fertilizer either since these plants are naturally optimized to capture nutrients from the seawater.
Sea6 Energy envisions a future where the abundant oceans will be our biomass farms of tomorrow to provide solutions in energy, agriculture and food.
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Sea6 Energy
Bengaluru, KA,