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Rush University Medical Center Flow Cytometry Core Facility

Chicago, Il, US
Company Type:
Academic Core Facility

The Flow Cytometry Core was established in the Department of Immunology and Microbiology and is under the direction of Amanda Marzo, PhD.

Cell tracking and proliferation
Cell viability or apoptosis
DNA and RNA analyses
Intracellular protein staining
Multiplex assays for detection of cytokine and chemokines
The facility currently operates four Becton-Dickinson instruments:

The FACSCalibur is a two-laser flow cytometer that is operated by the end user. It permits measurement of four fluorescent and two light-scatter parameters. Trained users prepare and acquire or analyze their own samples using a Macintosh G4 computer and either CellQuestTM or FlowJo software.
The FACSCanto II is an operator-assisted flow cytometer with three lasers: 405 nm, 488 nm and 633 nm. It permits measurement of eight fluorescent and two light-scatter parameters.
The BD-LSR II analyzer is an operator-assisted flow cytometer with three-lasers: 405 nm, 488 nm and 633 nm. It is capable of measuring up to 12 parameters (10 fluorescent and two light-scatter).
The BD LSRFortessa is an operator-assisted flow cytometer with four lasers: 405 nm, 488 nm, 561 nm and 640 nm. It can measure up to 18 parameters (16 fluorescent and two light-scatter).

Site Badges
Rush University Medical Center Flow Cytometry Core Facility
600 South Paulina Street Chicago, IL, 60612 United States
Rush University Medical Center Flow Cytometry Core Facility
600 S. Paulina St. Chicago, Il, 60612 United States

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