Roger Alison is a Board Certified Veterinary Pathologist with a total of 32 years experience in Toxicological Pathology.
He was previously employed by Contract Laboratories in the United Kingdom, the US Government (National Toxicology Program), and a major Pharmaceutical company (Sandoz, Switzerland).
He has been working as a Consultant Toxicological Pathologist for the last 24 years.
He has been GLP Certified by the regulatory authorities since he started his consultancy, and has always held his own full licence for PathData™, the leading Pathology Data Capture Software used by 80% of the worlds major pharmaceutical companies. Unusually for a consultant with his experience, he is currently aged 58. He aims to provide reliable, rapid and cost-effective outsourcing of non-clinical pathology services with long continuity of service.
His areas of special interest and expertise include routine histopathological evaluation of short term and carcinogenicity studies, GLP compliant Histopathology Peer Review, and Ovarian Neoplasia.
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