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React4life s.r.l.

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Year Established:
Genoa, Italy, IT
Company Type:
New Startup (0-1M TTM Revenue)

React4life has developed MIVO® – Multi In Vitro Organ, an innovative organ on chip able to emulate portions of the human body.

MIVO® is a patented, fully industrialized platform for more reliable 3D fluid-dynamic assays which provides a multiple fluidic circulation and multi-chamber system for culturing cells in vitro resembling the real tissues complexity.

It can be used as (i) bioreactor for improving tissues conditions and prolonging cells lifetime, as (ii) microfluidic device for accelerating drug testing on 3D human tissues without involving animal use, and as (iii) reliable human disease models for basic research.

React4life may both (i) sell the MIVO platform and support the customer during the first adoption, with video tutorial, scientific calls etc, (ii) provide MIVO based in vitro service activities for exploratory assays, drug efficacy assays, cytotoxicity, or permeation assays. In particular, the R&D team has deep experience in cellular biology, cancer biology and immunology.

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React4life c/o Strofitex s.r.l.
Via Greto di Cornigliano 6R Genoa, Italy, 16152 Italy
Via Greto di Cornigliano 6R Genoa, Italy, 16152 Italy
Via Greto di Cornigliano 6R Genoa, Italy, 16152 Italy

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