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Radix Labs

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Year Established:
Cambridge, MA, US
Company Type:
New Startup (0-1M TTM Revenue)

What we do:
At Radix Labs, we provide system software to describe protocols in an easy to build manner, automatically convert them into detailed experiment plans considering constraints on lab resources and availability, and manage end to end experiments optimally with high level of safety, reliability and reproducibility. Our software acts as an universal language for labs that supports and interoperates with most leading lab hardware and software including input, control and output languages and interfaces.

Customer Benefits:
Customer benefits include simplicity and easy of describing protocols allowing scientists to focus on science, provide a high level of reliability and safety, always optimized experiment runs enabling very high degree of utilization of lab resources and dramatically reducing wastage and reruns, simplified regulatory approval or compliance processes for pre-clininal research or pharma manufacturing, with our full audit data trail for every task at a micro-second level.

Customer segments we support:
We support any entity handling lab operations including Academia, Small to mid size Biotech, large pharma, equipment manufacturers, Contract Research organizations.

How to engage us:
We are easy and flexible to engage. Typically customers engage us with an initial meeting outlining their objectives/problem areas from their lab and spend time to understand what our software does. We follow it up with a lab visit/walkthrough, agree on specific problems that we can solve and convert it into a concrete plan to engage.

Site Badges
Radix Labs
501 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA, 02139 United States

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