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PMI Nutrition Int., LLC

Year Established:
Company Type:
Large Business (>100M TTM Revenue)

At PMI Nutrition®, we know how pet owners love their pets. That is why we have set such high standards for our line of PMI Nutrition® Pet Foods including Infinia, Exclusive and Red Flannel Brands.

Our pet foods have been developed and proven through extensive research to exceed the recommended nutritional levels established for your pet. They have the quality ingredients and nutritional value you demand in a premium pet food at an affordable price.

PMI Nutrition® products are offered strictly through select Professional Animal Feed Dealers who specialize in the care and feeding of dogs and cats. We invest our research and marketing funds into improved quality instead of national advertising. This allows us to offer you superior nutritional diets at a lower cost.

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PMI Nutrition Int., LLC
St. Louis, MO United States

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