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Pepscope B.V.

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Year Established:
Wageningen, , NL
Company Type:
Small Business (1-10M TTM Revenue)

Pepscope is an innovative biotechnology company that develops and offers protein activity phosphoproteomics platforms to help you identify the Mechanism Of Action (MOA) and discover Biomarkers.

Any researcher interested in multiplexity, endogenous activity, and pathway activity will benefit from Pepscope’s quantitative, targeted mass spectrometry technology. A solution to help you compose a melody that starts with the end in mind and providing insights for translation. Our vision is to bring medicines to patients faster by helping you get the right insights.

We use QuantaKinome™ to create a variety of opportunities for developers working in each phase of the drug development pipeline (discovery, preclinical, clinical).

Discovery: QuantaKinome™ MOA profiling helps you to verify your target and the selectivity of
your compound.

Preclinical: Use the same QuantaKinome™ MOA profiling technology to validate the MOA in different human models. Use QuantaKinome™ biomarker analysis to initiate biomarker studies.

Clinical: Complete the development journey, confirm efficacy and validate your
biomarkers for better patient stratification by using QuantaKinome™ biomarker analysis.

Site Badges
Pepscope BV
Nieuwe Kanaal 7 Wageningen, 6709 PA Netherlands

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