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Parc de Recerca Biomèdica de Barcelona (Barcelona Biomedical Research Park)

Barcelona, , ES
Company Type:
Small Business (1-10M TTM Revenue)

The seven centres located in the park conduct science of excellence in a wide diversity of fields, with a critical mass of 1,400 people hailing from 54 different countries, an accumulated R&D budget of approximately 80 M€ per year and cutting-edge scientific equipment. This allows us to explore, in a unique building, the most relevant questions in life sciences and biomedicine today, from the molecular up to the populational perspective. The physical connection of the PRBB with the Hospital de Mar next door also provides an excellent insight into clinical reality.

This “factory of the future” produces knowledge that will be of the utmost importance for medicine in 20 or 30 years time. Each day we strive to remain competitive and incorporate scientific talent from the top American and European centres, meaning currently more than 37% of the scientific community is foreign. Our organisational model is cooperative, with common spaces that facilitate the interrelationship between the centres as well as having shared advanced scientific-technical services. The animal facility of the park is outstanding and considered to be one of the most modern in Europe, as are other services in the centres such as the advanced light microscopy, proteomics and flow cytometry units.

We extend our thanks to the Government of Catalonia, Pompeu Fabra University and Barcelona City Council who made this initiative a reality in 2006. And also to you, for your interest in and support for science and biomedical research.

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Parc de Recerca Biomèdica de Barcelona (Barcelona Biomedical Research Park)
88 Carrer del Doctor Aiguader Barcelona, CT, 08003 Spain
Parc de Recerca Biomèdica de Barcelona (Barcelona Biomedical Research Park)
C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88 Barcelona, , E-08003 Spain

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