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PAIA Biotech

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Koln, NRW, DE
Company Type:
New Startup (0-1M TTM Revenue)

PAIA Biotech GmbH offers rapid glycan assessment & quantification services of Fc based proteins like IgG via its proprietary assay technology. This is suitable for biosimilar and new biological entity (NBE) development. Our common customers work in discovery (antibody engineering), cell line development (CLD), upstream processing (USP) and analytical development (AD).

Our service features the following benefits:
- No more purification! We can handle any stage of impurity.
- No more quantification! We quantify your samples and accept anything in µg/mL range and above.
- No more waiting! Results within 1~2 weeks depending on sample size.

We are able to offer this screening service for customers with time constraints and expanding pipelines.. Thanks to our high-throughput technology we can provide this service at a market-leading price per sample!

Requirement: Only 40-100 µg of non-purified sample protein depending on project scope.


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PAIA Biotech GmbH
Gottfried-Hagen-Strasse 60-62 Koln, NRW, 51105 Germany
PAIA Biotech GmbH
Gottfried-Hagen-Strasse 60-62 Köln, NRW, 51105 Germany

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