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Oregon Health & Science University - Oregon Regional Primate Research Center

Company Type:
Academic Core Facility

The ONPRC has a unique identity linked to its particular mix of research emphases and nonhuman primate colonies. We have developed models in the monkeys we study that allow us to ask key questions about aging, metabolic diseases like diabetes, reproductive enhancement, and many others. Much of this opportunity is due to our multi-generational, pedigreed colonies that started to breed here in the early 1960s.

In each of the four Divisions, there are world-class research programs that relate to high-priority medical needs that are expected to increase in importance and funding emphasis over the coming decades. These include research in aging, AIDS, depression, infectious diseases, substance abuse, obesity, reproductive health, and stem cells. We are excited to share our recent discoveries with you.

Our role is to perform basic research than can inform new treatments or vaccines, and we also have an emphasis on translational research—to encourage development of the most advanced ideas into clinical testing. This side of our research is greatly facilitated by the resources, expertise, and unique capabilities at the ONPRC and our partners at Oregon Health & Science University.

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Oregon Health & Science University - Oregon Regional Primate Research Center
505 Northwest 185th Avenue Beaverton, OR, 97006 United States

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