The Institute for Clinical Competence (ICC) consists of virtual patient examination rooms and simulation labs where you’ll practice inter-professional health care with fellow students. It features diagnostic equipment, osteopathic manipulation tables, and digital video cameras to film interactions between you and standardized patients (actors trained to simulate acute and chronic patient scenarios). The ICC has:
14 fully equipped exam rooms
CAE Healthcare/METI HPS, iStan, PediaSIM, and Laedal SimMan robotic patients
data collection and program management systems to assess your clinical performance
At a satellite ICC at St. Barnabas Hospital in the Bronx, N.Y., you’ll have the opportunity to work alongside other students, residents, and health care teams as you encounter scenarios similar to those unfolding every hour in doctors’ offices and emergency rooms.
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New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine - Institute for Clinical Competence
, NY,
United States