The Biological Manipulation Core is the newest addition to the RCMI Research Core Facility. The NIH/NIMHD $10 million renovation grant, which has helped to transform the research infrastructure here at MSM, was instrumental in bringing this core online.
The Core is comprised of three primary labs:
-Stem Cell
Microvesicle Lab offers technical expertise in the isolation and purification of microvesicles and in their analysis.
Stem Cell Lab offers consultative service to investigators interested in adult or embryonic stem cell research including induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from human and various animals.
Zebrafish Lab, as a model system, offers a powerful combination of low cost, rapid in vivo analysis and complex vertebrate biology.
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Morehouse School of Medicine Biological Manipulation Core
720 Westview Drive Southwest
Atlanta, GA, 30310
United States