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MBF Europe

We design quantitative imaging software for stereology, neuron reconstruction, and image analysis, integrated with the world’s leading microscope systems, to empower your research. Our development team and staff scientists are actively engaged with leading bioscience researchers, constantly working to refine our products based on your feedback and scientific advances in the field.

Whether you are interested in design-based stereology, neuron reconstruction, brain mapping, virtual slides, autoradiography, or worm tracking, you can be confident that our products include the most current protocols available to keep you on the cutting edge with accurate results.

Founded as MicroBrightField, Inc. in 1988, we changed our name to MBF Bioscience in 2005, as part of our efforts to demonstrate that our product and service offerings have broadened. While we specialize in neuroscience research, our products are also used extensively in stem cell research, lung, kidney, reproductive, cardiac, and toxicology research.

Our software allows you to easily obtain accurate quantitative measurements from microscope images, whether from brightfield, fluorescent, spinning disk, or laser-scanning confocal microscopes, and we back up our products with a support team that is world-renowned for its dedication to keeping customers productive.

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MBF Labs
185 Allen Brook Ln Williston, VT, 05495 United States
MBF Europe B.V.
Nieuwe Plantage 28 Delft, 2611 XJ Netherlands

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