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Company Type:
Small Business (1-10M TTM Revenue)

As an international player of biomedical research, JANVIER LABS supplies experimental models with the highest standards to meet the needs of researchers. With the support of our teams of experts and our unique site in Europe – purpose built and designed at the forefront of innovation – entirely dedicated to rodent breeding, we guarantee strict breeding around 4 fundamental elements: highest standards for health quality, animal welfare, genetic stability, one sole microbiota. We offer a complete product and services portfolio to support rodent research models from creation to delivery. This includes a large range of research models (mice, rats, hamsters and gerbils) and dedicated support departments for model creation, customized breeding and the preparation of the models. Composed of scientists and veterinarians, our scientific support team supplies our users with rodent breeding expertise and knowledge of model characteristics. As a key player in Europe with more than 60 years experience, JANVIER LABS provides its models and services on the international stage with the same quality wherever our research partners are in the world. Our mission: to support research in order to improve tomorrow’s health

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Route des Chênes Secs LE GENEST-SAINT-ISLE, , 53940 France

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