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Italian Institute of Technology Central Research Laboratory

Genova, Liguria, IT
Company Type:
Small Business (1-10M TTM Revenue)

The main goal of the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) is to promote excellence in both basic and applied research and to facilitate the development of the national economy.

The central Research Lab is a 30,000 sqm facility located in Genova, close to the airport and to the entrance of the main highways. It is a large-scale infrastructure hosting approximately 1,000 people, equipped with state-of-the-art instruments, including the following laboratories:

Organic Chemistry
Materials characterizations: mechanical, thermal, electric, structural, chemical
Nanocomposites and Material processing: chemistry, laser writing, patterning, extrusion etc.
Optical Microscopy: confocal, STED, super-resolution microscopy
Nikon-IIT Imaging Center
Graphene laboratories for graphene synthesis and characterization, graphene ink, ink jet printing, spraying technologies, graphene composites, etc.
Optical spectroscopies: including ultrafast, low temperature, micro-probe spectroscopies
TEM/SEM facility
Raman and Plasmon spectroscopy laboratory
Clean room (approx. 600 sqm, class 100/1000/10000) equipped with e-beam lithography, dual ion beam lithography, processing and packaging
Pharmacology laboratory, including Mass spectroscopy facility, chemistry, NMR facility, etc..
Neuroscience laboratory, including optogenetics lab, neurophysiology laboratories, stem cell lab, virus lab, biochemistry facility etc.
Microelectrode array laboratory and bioelectronics laboratory
Robotics laboratories: humanoids lab, quadruped labs (hydraulic), robotic surgery,
Robotic rehabilitation laboratory
Human machine interaction laboratory
Machine learning, Artificial intelligence laboratories
Nanochemistry laboratories, including colloidal synthesis, biochemistry lab, chemical characterizations.

Site Badges
Italian Institute of Technology Central Research Laboratory
30 Via Morego Genova, Liguria, 16163 Italy
Italian Institute of Technology Central Research Laboratory
Via Morego, 30 Genova, , 16163 Italy

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