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ISIS Services

Rome, , IT
Company Type:
Small Business (1-10M TTM Revenue)

ISIS, the Institute of Studies for the Integration of Systems, is an independent Italian research institute supporting international, national and local public bodies for the analysis, the design, the implementation and the evaluation of sustainable policies in the fields of energy, environment, transport and mobility, urban planning, and knowledge society. For more than four decades ISIS has supplied expertise and solved complex problems for a variety of public and private organisations, and notably for the European Commission. Founded in 1971, ISIS relies on the expertise of a multi-disciplinary team – including engineers, statisticians, experts in information technology, social scientists, and economists – and avails itself of state-of-the-art information technologies, also developing its own interactive and user-friendly software applications. ISIS has extensive experience in the management of and participation in EU funded projects in FP4, FP5, FP6 and FP7, and has a well-established network of alliances currently active in the Europe and beyond. ISIS has extensively worked in the field of policy impact assessment, with particular reference to socio-economic impacts and through the development and application of forward looking analysis (FLA) methods and tools. ISIS has played an important role in the conception and implementation of some of the most significant projects carried out in Europe, partecipating, both as leader and as partner, in over 80 European projects. The global mind-set of our staff and the ability to work in several languages provide a unique added value to both our international and Italian clients.

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ISIS Services
Largo dei Lombardi 4 Rome, , 00186 Italy

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