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Iris Biotech

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Year Established:
Marktredwitz, , DE
Company Type:
Small Business (1-10M TTM Revenue)

Iris Biotech provides scientists in both industry and academia with innovative and rare compounds, while also being your reliable partner for a comprehensive supply of standard consumables. Guided by our dedication to deliver competent service as well as the highest quality to our customers, our company’s focus remains Peptide Chemistry, while we also have strong expertise in Drug Delivery, Life Sciences, and Linkerology.

Due to the growing demand for tailor-made compounds and solutions, we further increased our Custom Synthesis capabilities in 2013. Our skilled scientists and technicians offer profound expertise in the custom manufacturing of both simple and complex molecules.

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Adalbert-Zoellner-Str. 1 Marktredwitz, 95615 Germany

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