The ISB Single Cell Facility provides services to all researchers to the institute as well as external institutes and collaborators interested in single cell analysis. The Single Cell Facility has the means to sort and isolate single cells, and generate single cell products to use for gene expression analysis or next-generation sequencing. The facility houses the Fluidigm system, mainly consisting of the C1 and the Biomark, and the nanostring nCounter system. The Fluidigm C1 functions to isolate single cells and create pre-amplified cDNA for further downstream analysis. The Fluidigm Biomark produces high-throughput gene expression data. The nanostring nCounter system is capable of generating sensitive single cell transcript counts with minimal amplification based on, up to, 800 genes.
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Institute of Systems Biology - Single Cell Core
401 Terry Avenue North
Seattle, WA, 98109-5263
United States