Inrae Gentyane is a genomic platform part of the unit Genetic Diversity and Ecophysiology of Cereals. This unit is part of units in the department Auvergne Rhône Alpes.
INRAE is France’s National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, created on January 1, 2020, It was formed by the merger of INRA, the National Institute for Agricultural Research, and IRSTEA, the National Research Institute of Science and Technology for the Environment and Agriculture.
Gentyane, a high-throughput genotyping and sequencing service platform, a young and dynamic team to always best meet your requests. We offer you the latest tools and develop new approaches for you to best meet your expectations. Kaspar chemistry genotyping on LightCycler 480, Fluidigm Biomark. Affymetrix Axiom ultra-high-throughput SNP genotyping on GeneTitan. AgriSeq Thermo genotyping by sequencing (GBS) NGS Long Reads sequencing on PacificBiosciences Sequel 8M and Revio. Optical map, study of structural variants on BionanoGenomics Saphyr. High-throughput DNA extraction. Quality approach: ISO9001: 2015 and NF X 50-900 certification.
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INRAE Auvergne Rhône Alpes
Saint Genes Champanelle, , 63122