Welcome to the website of Dr. Mujibur Khan’s research group at the Nanomaterials Research Laboratory. Our group is involved in research related to the synthesis and characterization of novel nanoscale functional materials. Our investigations are focused on harnessing the superior physical and transport properties of nanomaterials to produce advanced materials for biomedical, structural and energy applications. Some of the major research projects currently being undertaken by our group are:
Synthesis of biocompatible core-shell nanofibers for targeted and controlled-release drug delivery applications.
Development of a novel CO2 capture system based on nanofibrous membranes functionalized with adsorbent nanoparticles.
Solution spinning of high performance hybrid nanocomposite microfibers for structural applications.
Investigation of multifunctional thermoelectric ceramic nanocomposite materials for structural health monitoring applications.
High Performance Fibers
Thermoelectric Nanocomposites
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Georgia Southern University Nanomaterial Research Lab
Statesboro, GA, 30460
United States