The Neuro Design Suite (NDS), a state-of-the-art facility for neuroscience research consisting of three major rigs, allow researchers to perform manual and/or automated in vitro, in vivo patch clamping and in vivo extracellular electrophysiology recordings.
The Q-Scientifica SliceScope within the in vitro patch clamping rig is a compact upright microscope equipped with fully-motorized fixed stage, various electrode manipulators, a wide range of Olympus objectives and LED system (780 nm) to meet the demands of electrophysiology study.
The electromagnetically shielded in vivo extracellular electrophysiology rig is constructed with various elements such as Zesis surgical microscopes, impressive 128-channel Tucker Davis Technologies data acquisition system (RZ2), Kopf stereotaxic frames and DC temperature controllers to enable stable, reliable and high-quality recordings. A complete LED driver system (Thorlabs) was equipped to this rig as well to facilitate optogenetic in vivo experiment.
Automatic patch clamping devices (autopatchers) are also attached to both in vitro and in vivo patch clamping rigs to obtain high yield and high quality whole cell recordings.
A mini surgery station, equipped with various types of stereotaxic systems, advanced anesthesia incubation chamber and isoflurane vaporizers, is also available for facilitating in vivo electrophysiology experiments.
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Georgia Institute of Technology Parker H. Petit IBB Neuroscience Core
315 Ferst Drive Northwest
Atlanta, GA, 30318
United States