Histology allows the visualization, identification and the qualitative and quantitative analysis of cellular and tissue morphology. One of its primary mission is to serve as a training platform for students. Students are trained by a certified histologist to perform their own work. The histologist is also available to complete projects for labs. Depending on the pending projects and workload, outside projects are considered on a case by case basis.
The IBB Sample Analysis Lab is presently equipped to perform the following services: *Cryoprocessing of soft tissue and tissue contructs *Cryosectioning *Processing of soft tissue constructs for paraffin embedding *Paraffin sectioning *Methyl methacrylate embedding of bone and hard tissues *Generation of hard tissue and undecalcified bone sections *Hematoxylin and eosin staining used for visualization of general tissue morphology *Special stains used for the visualization of specific cells, tissues, or their components *Immunohistochemistry used for the localization of proteins
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Georgia Institute of Technology Parker H. Petit IBB Histology Core
315 Ferst Drive Northwest
Atlanta, GA, 30318
United States