Gen9 is the premier next-generation gene synthesis company focused on high-quality, high-throughput, automated production of DNA constructs. As a scalable high-throughput gene synthesis process that delivers clonal, sequence-perfect constructs from 300 to 10,000bp at the lowest cost, there are certain guidelines that Gen9 provides to take advantage of the technology. The minimum order quantity is 20,000 bp. Gen9 provides DNA constructs, dried down, in 1 microgram quantities on 96-well plates.
Gen9’s philosophy is order more constructs up front, so that you are more likely to get the end products that you need faster. Build more each round of the design-build-test cycle to reduce the number of cycles and shorten project time overall.
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Cambridge, MA, 02139
United States
840 Memorial Drive
Cambridge, MA, 02139
United States