Preclinical Research and Translational Sciences
The Santa Lucia Foundation conducts research in the field of neuroscience. This research is preclinical and translational, meaning designed to result in a rapid implementation of its findings to actual patient care. The research activity is a core element of Santa Lucia’s Mission. Since1992, the Ministry of Health has recognized the Foundation as a fully qualified Institute for Research and Health Care (IRCCS). The activity of individual laboratories is coordinated within six research lines.
Laboratories and Scientific Productivity
Fifty laboratories are involved in the entire research area of activity of the Foundation. Regarding the scientific productivity, which is calculated by means of the international standard of Impact Factor, Santa Lucia Foundation is ranked number one in Italy in the Neurosciences field (Source: Italian Department of Health). Specifically, the current normalized Impact Factor of scientific production of the Foundation is 2,112.50 scores (2014).
The laboratories of the Foundation are both housed within the hospital and its wards, and also at the European Centre for Brain Research (Centro Europeo di Ricerca sul Cervello – CERC), a short distance from the campus of the Foundation. The CERC research activities and collaborations serve to highlight the institutions commitment to providing scientists with the resources, spaces and technologies appropriate to the research mission and objectives. The facility has been made possible to realize important synergies with research centers and universities both in Italy and internationally. Particularly important are the partnerships with Sapienza University of Rome, Tor Vergata University of Rome and Campus Bio-Medico University.
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Fondazione Santa Lucia
Via Ardeatina, 306 –
Rome, , 00179
Fondazione Santa Lucia
306 Via Ardeatina
Roma, Lazio, 00179