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FARM srl

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Year Established:
Amelia, Umbria, IT
Company Type:
Small Business (1-10M TTM Revenue)

Farm srl was established from the union of pre-existing companies (FARM sas) and independent professionals whose activity takes off in 1985.
Farm srl grows on average 15% per year and invests about 20% of its turnover in new structures, equipments and training.
The staff is hired in full with permanent contracts and includes graduates in chemistry, industrial chemistry, environmental engineering, biomedical engineering, chemical engineering, biology and agronomy.
The company is divided into the following departments: LAB-01 Water; LAB 02 Emissions and Working/Living Environments; LAB 03 Foods; LAB 04 Wastes and Soils; LAB 05 Raw materials and Fine products for Pharmaceutical, Chemical, Cosmetic and other companies; Engineering and Technical assistance.
The laboratory is divided into the following activities: Basic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry 1 (Metals, Elementary Analysis), Inorganic Chemistry 2 (Anions, Hydrocarbons), Organic Chemistry, Microbiological and Physical.
The instrumentation is at the forefront, and always renewed.
Sample registration, their processing, certification and archiving are automated and managed by a specific software.
Customers are able to consult and export their own analytical results by means a virtual platform.
Beside the analytical controls Farm srl ensures qualified technical assistance directly in the field owing to its Engineering and Technical assistance departments.

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FARM srl
73 Via Lago Dei Tartari Albuccione, Lazio, 00012 Italy
FARM srl
Amelia, Umbria, 05022 Italy

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