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Year Established:
Tallinn, , EE
Company Type:
Small Business (1-10M TTM Revenue)

Exosomics is a company located in Siena (Italy), founded in 2011 with the aim to leverage the EV potential for diagnostic purposes. In 2019, Exosomics acquired HansaBioMed Life Sciences a company entirely focused on the research in the field of exosomes, extracellular vesicles (EVs) and nanoparticles.
With a team of more than 30 employees between its two Sites in Italy and Estonia, our group provide a wide range of high-quality services dedicated to the field of extracellular vesicles both for research and diagnostic purposes.
Our services include scalable and automated purification of exosomes and extracellular vesicles from conditioned media, biofluids, plant and microbe cultures, characterization and phenotyping of bulk or single EVs.
Additionally, we provide a range of customizable pre-analytical solutions able to enrich different EVs and exosomes subpopulations (e.g.: tumor-derived) from human biofluids and analyze their biomarker content. Our technology can be used for early detection of disease-associated biomarker in liquid biopsy assays and enables the next generation of disease screening, staging, profiling and monitoring tests.
Amongst our range of services we employ a versatile and powerful platform – Flow NanoAnalyzer for the multiparameter analysis of individual EVs down to 40nm. Exosomics Laboratories have been appointed as Worldwide Reference Centre for the execution of services in the exosome space, employing this cutting-edge Flow Cytometry Technique.

Site Badges
HansaBioMed Life Sciences
Mäealuse, 2/1 Tallinn, , 12618 Estonia
35 Strada del Petriccio e Belriguardo Siena, Toscana, 53100 Italy

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