Exazyme provides AI services for speeding up protein engineering by an order of magnitude.
Our key areas of protein engineering:
1. Iterative Improvement of Enzymes for selectivity, specificity and bioconversion to enable drug production enzymatically by replacing one or more productions steps of the chemical production route with enzymes that are highly selective and produce a very pure product so expensive purification can be avoided.
2. zero shot predictions of protein attributes (solubility and temp. stability) with only one single starting amino acid sequence.
3. Iterative Improvement of Enzymes for activity and stability.
Why work with us?
1. We enable protein engineering based on amino acid sequence data iteratively with only very low data amount requirements (<48 variants), which brings down your DNA and Assay costs.
2. Very low amounts of iterations needed to reach the design goal (< 4). https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acssynbio.3c00403
3. Best prediction performance globally
4. Very competitive pricing, we guarantee the best price for AI guided predictions in the market.
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Max-Urich-Strasse 3
Berlin, Berlin, 13355