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Esya Labs Inc

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Chicago, IL, US
Company Type:
New Startup (0-1M TTM Revenue)

Esya holds numerous chemical biology patents for ground-breaking and novel research assays which ratiometrically quantify ion levels within endocytic organelles.

Our portfolio covers a range of unique and patented sensors:

Single-ion sensors for pH, Chloride, Calcium, Nitric Oxide, and Membrane Potential
Two-ion sensors combining pH with either Calcium, Chloride, or HOCl.
Enzyme Activity sensors measuring Cathepsin-C or Thiol–disulfide Exchange.

Esya assays can be used in drug discovery for a range of drugs and diseases that affect lysosomes or endosomes (e.g., many neurodegenerative diseases) and have been reported on in several peer-reviewed scientific publications in high-impact journals.

Our assays can be targeted at any organelle within the cell; in particular, the two-ion sensors’ capability of correcting for acidic environment e.g. in lysosomes allows for a broad range of uses.

We would be delighted to share previous studies and applications of our technology and to discuss potential applicability in your work.

Esya is a start-up originally spun out of Prof. Yamuna Krishnan’s lab at the University of Chicago. At Esya, our work is primarily focused on Alzheimer’s disease. Using our technology and our ability to profile ion signatures within key organelles, we are examining relevant biomarkers that will enable us to develop a 360-degree perspective on the disease: a low-cost standalone early Alzheimer’s diagnostic, a progression monitoring system, and a personalized medicine toolkit.

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Esya Inc.
5145 South Cornell Avenue Chicago, IL, 60615 United States

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