Dynamic Biosensors provides instruments and consumables for the advanced analysis of biomolecular interactions on biochips and single cells, which enable breakthroughs in drug discovery, life science research, and cell & gene therapies.
Dynamic Biosensors commercializes switchSENSE® and Real-Time Interaction Cytometry (RT-IC) technologies. switchSENSE® is a unique platform technology for the analysis of molecule-molecule interactions. RT-IC is a groundbreaking technology enabling the real-time measurement of molecules binding to membrane targets on cells.
The company is headquartered in Munich, Germany, and runs offices in the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Japan, and Singapore.
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Dynamic Biosensors, Inc.
300 TradeCenter
Suite 1400
Woburn, MA, 01801
United States
Dynamic Biosensors GmbH
Perchtinger Straße 8/10
München, 81379