Devsynthesis is a Discovery Chemistry CRO from India. We offer Complex chemistry molecules mostly – rare to make targets for NCE or innovation towards the Biotech and Pharmaceutical companies.
We have immense experience in “Complex Heterocyclic, Organic, Aliphatic & Aromatic compounds”, and “Complex multi-step synthesis” which includes “focused Libraries”, “building blocks”, and advanced intermediates. We also have extremely good experience working on Dyes, Linkers for the ADCs, and Molecular Glues.
We have about 70 fume hoods and 80+ chemists and we are adding 90+ hoods with 100+ chemists at our facility in India and have inaugurated new facilities in Barcelona and USA recently. Also, we have an in-house analytical lab (NMR, LCMS, HPLC, Pre-HPLC, GC with Headspace, Combi-Flash systems, etc.). We offer these targets under FTE and FFS business arrangements.
No. of Reactions per day: About 4 reactions (80 reactions/month) per day including purification and workup.
No. of Samples analyzed per day: More than 110 NMR, HPLC samples; More than 120 LC-MS samples
Scientific Team Ratio: 1 Ph.D. – 4 MSc
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Devsynthesis India Private Limited
# 305, Shreya Towers, Sree Vensai Projects
Hyderabad, Telangana, 500014
Devsynthesis India Private Limited
Plot No. 56, Ground Floor, Teck Park, IDA-Nacharam
Hyderabad, Telangana, 500076
The Parc Científic de Barcelona Torre R - 01B10 C/Baldiri Reixac, 4-12 i 15,
Barcelona, Spain, 08028
Devsynthesis LLC
2208 Remington Dr Flower Mound,
Texas, TX, 75028
United States