DEKRA Assurance Services is an entity of DEKRA SE.
Since it was founded 90 years ago, DEKRA has been a pioneer in matters of safety.
Building on this basis, we have ushered in a new phase of company development with our strategic program “Vision 2025” and we have set ourselves an ambitious goal to be achieved by 2025: we will be the global partner for a safe world.
With this ambition, we are combining innovative services that make a contribution to sustainability in business and in society. Together with leading institutions, research facilities and corporate partners, we are working on solutions for current and future challenges.
Our social responsibility is not limited to our services which offer greater safety to our customers, but also includes our employees, suppliers and other stakeholders, too. The topics of occupational safety and human rights are afforded a high degree of attention here.
In the environmental domain, our services play an instrumental part in protecting the environment and conserving resources. We also take advantage of this expertise internally, such as in 2015 when we further enhanced the organizational structure of our environmental management. Centrally managed efficiency-boosting measures are enabling us to cut costs and at the same time make a sustainable contribution to the environment.
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15 Handwerkstraße
Stuttgart, BW, 70565
Handwerkstrasse 15
Stuttgart, 70565