The Imaging Facility at the CUNY ASRC currently (as of May 2016) houses state-of-art 300 kV cryo-EM, 200kV Cs corrected S/TEM, dual beam SEM/FIB, and super-resolution confocal STED microscope for advanced imaging of materials and biological samples. Future expansion of the facility includes a 120 kV TEM. The facility is open to both internal and external users.
The supported applications include cryo-EM single particle data collection, S/TEM and SEM imaging, advanced FIB applications (e.g. patterning, 2D image stack, TEM lamella preparation), chemical analysis by Energy-dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy. The facility also has two plunge freezers for cryo-EM specimen preparation, plasma cleaner for SEM samples and TEM grids cleaning, and coater for coating of carbon and sputter coating of metal.
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CUNY Advanced Science Research Center Imaging Suite
85 Saint Nicholas Place
New York, NY, 10032
United States